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An exclusive research by Villa Finder, the leader in villa rentals in Asia-Pacific, on the impact of the travel restrictions on the US$440m villa market in Asia, together with an outlook of the upcoming re-start of the vacation rentals sector in the region The Covid-19 pandemic has heavily impacted the travel industry, and the villa market in the Asia Pacific region is no exception. Border closure, social distancing, new hygiene standards and the overall uncertainty about whether it is safe to travel are some of the changes the market over the past year. In this article, we are going to share more about how the pandemic has affected the APAC villa rental market, how villa owners have coped with this and also what the future will look like for villa rental. The APAC villa rental market in 2021 Due to the total travel shutdown, the overall Asia Pacific market reduced…

Hello everyone, I hope 2021 has been kind to you. It’s been a while since we last updated you, and I would like to share some exciting updates regarding what we’ve been up to and our plans for 2021. Villa Finder Goes to Europe Since borders closure, admittedly, we are not able to have you in our beautiful villas. However, Villa Finder was not idle in 2020. We focused our efforts on finding amazing villas in more destinations, with the hope that when borders reopen, we can bring the Villa Finder Concierge Experience to you at your destination of choice. I’m happy to share that we now have 3000+ villas in over 14 countries. Some of our latest additions are Tuscany (Italy), Ibiza, Mallorca (Spain), Provence and the French Alps (France). If you can travel domestically, lucky you, as the holiday rentals in these destinations are simply stunning. Take a…

“Oh, you are in Phuket today.” That’s how we would like to start our weekly team meeting at Villa Finder. We can’t physically be there, unfortunately. So we change our Zoom backgrounds from time to time (more like, once a week). As we have an amazing portfolio of stunning villas, and therefore, access to gorgeous images that we can use to ease our urge to travel. We are sharing some of our favourites below. If you want, feel free to download the photos and use them for your meetings! Relaxing beach views Grand Villa Noi, PhuketWhile Natai Beach is not as popular as Patong, it is equally impressive. You can easily find restaurants and bars in the area, and the sunset show is exactly what you always imagine. Grand Cliff Nusa Dua, BaliHot of the press: Bali is amongst the top post-pandemic destinations. Well, with natural blessings like this, we…

Since 2012, our contribution in helping the global reforestation efforts started with a simple idea; for every villa booking made, we plant a tree. Villa Finder’s growing Mangrove forest Our founders envisioned a process where Villa Finder guests would contribute to a tree planting project that didn’t involve any extra costs (to guests) and without lifting a finger. Enter ReforestAction and NGO Project Yagasu, Villa Finder’s partners in the Mangrove Reforestation Project. 8 years and counting, we have worked with our partners to plant mangrove trees in Sumatra, Indonesia. To date, 6,800 trees have been planted and are slowly but surely taking root and reaching deep into the forest soil to help to restore healthy ecosystems. Over the years, our small forest has made an impact in: Providing clean waterReplanting mangrove trees helps prevent saline water intrusion and keeps underground water sources remain clean and free of seawater. This is…

“What’s for lunch?”, “Where should we go for dinner?” “Is it family-friendly?” Sound familiar? These questions don’t just haunt you when your stomach starts to rumble or when it’s your turn to pick a spot for a family lunch, they are relentless and creep into your holiday even when it’s clear there are about 10 restaurants on the street to choose from. If you ask us, it’s especially harder when restaurants in destinations like Bali have been extensively reviewed and photographed through everyone’s favourite FOMO app, Instagram. There’s a secret to selecting the best restaurant or spa experience in Bali that doesn’t need too much googling or jumping on trip advisor to research and read reviews- just ask a local, and that’s what we did! We asked our local friends in Bali and most importantly, we asked ourselves. The Villa Finder team live and breathe the Bali life so are…

In our first Asia Pacific Villa Rental Market Research 2017, we focused on how the villa rental market was picking up fast and growing with an annual rate of 18.3%. The market at the time accounted for $390 million of the global $120 billion vacation rental market. Two years on, we aim to re-evaluate the market and chart the growth of new destinations for villa rentals, as well as deep dive into the markets struggling to stay competitive. This study will also touch on how travellers are affected overall, as well as what villa owners and investors must double down on to successfully capture demand in the Asia Pacific. Market trends The overall Asia Pacific market grew by 12% in the past 2 years, reaching US$440m. There’s an increase in villa supply across various destinations. Bali is still the biggest market with over 4,000 villas. It is interesting to note…

Serving up Hollywood in Bali Meet Adrian, our Concierge Consultant  Every once in a while, we receive a concierge request that changes up the rhythm of our day and that’s when we know it’s time to hit the ground running, and we love it. Adrian recounts the time he was involved in helping a guest plan their very own hollywood-esque holiday. The Concierge Request  As early as 6 am Bali time, Adrian receives a text message asking if he could help with a marriage proposal. We love requests like these. After a few messages, Adrian realises the proposal isn’t what we’re used to coordinating. This one is going to require a lot more bling. Villa Finder: How did you make the concierge request come to life? Adrian: I was really geared up to work on this request! It had so many interesting elements to be sorted out before and during…

The First of its Kind; Villa Finder to Host a “Villa Investment in Asia” Event in Singapore Singapore, 11th September 2019- In the 1st edition of Villa Finder’s event series, a “Villa Investment in Asia” talk will be held on the 8th of October 2019 in Singapore. Scheduled for Tuesday morning at 8:30 am – 10:00 am, this event will bring together two of Bali’s best industry experts in Villa Investment.  Location: Villa Finder Singapore Office, 35B Pagoda Street, 059194 Closest MRT: Chinatown, Exit A Closest carpark: Chinatown Carpark Park Cres, behind People’s Park Complex Taxi drop-off point: Sri Mariamman Temple On the back of interests from property investors and business owners, “Villa Investment in Asia” will be the start of Villa Finder’s knowledge sharing sessions for topics like Villa Investment, Villa Rental Market and beyond. With 7 years of experience in the industry, Villa Finder’s events will be dedicated to…

Best Cuts Meet Biondi, our Concierge Consultant  It’s not always the big requests we fulfill that make us proud. As concierge consultants, we take care of the small details too and even we’re surprised at where some requests take us. For Biondi, it was a Father’s day Sunday roast that took him to a little local meat shop in Ubud. The Concierge Request  Villa Finder: How did you make the concierge request come to life? Biondi: I thought about what our client was trying to achieve. They had come from Singapore and were planning on having a Father’s day Sunday roast. The thing is, the villa they were staying in was all the way in Ubud and there aren’t too many butchers in the area. But, lucky for me I used to live in Ubud! I remembered a local butcher I regularly bought from and he had the best cuts in…

This is the last part 3 part series highlighting the very beginnings and subsequent evolution of Villa Finder. Follow us as we go behind the scenes and discover how this Singaporean startup grew from three young lads covering one destination to over 20 employees covering five, all in under three years.  Part I: The Idea behind Villa Finder Part II: Bootstrapping Villa Finder From the very launch of in August of 2012, the growth has been exponential. Sure, the founders knew they had an idea that answered a market demand, and sure, the early client reservations were an indication of potential success to come, but the initial trio of David, Daniel and Adrien couldn’t foresee just how successful they’d be in that first year. As the reservations came pouring in, the team quickly expanded and employees were hired from countries all around the world. They soon realized, however, that in order…